Saturday, May 5, 2012

Spiritual Gifts From Che

Spiritual Gifts From Che..

(Beautiful Full Moon)

We all have a special band with the moon. Miss Moon, as some call her. The Moon reflects the feminine and influences water. No wonder so many children are being born under a full moon (two of mine!) and women have their period every full moon. The word they use in Belgium for ‘having your period’ is ‘Maanstonden’, meaning nothing less than the” position of the moon.”

Today’s full moon is really special. A real reason for celebration. I myself and my best friend are attending a Wiccan feast in Belgium, our neighbor country (in Europe everything is small, so another country still is only an hour and a half away. And yes, I am ashamed to admit, we do complain about the long distance here….). This Wiccan feats is called Beltane and celebrates fertility, so If you have a beau, be sure to jump over a fire or broomstick with him and then…well let’s just say enjoy the full moon and go where nature takes you.
Before leaving you with the technical aspects of this moonstory I want to tell you how to absorb this wonderful Moon energy that so generously shines upon us. If you can, step into nature. This could even be a balcony, or the fresh herbs in your kitchen with the window open. If you’re lucky enough to have a yard or park nearby I suggest going over there. Take a blanket and if you can, light a fire.
Once you are installed, ask the moon for what you want, what you feel you need. Try to look with your heart (just literally imagine your eyes in that position) to see what you really need. Then open your third eye (imagine one between your eyebrows) and let in the moonlight by ….breathing in! Simple right? With each breath absorb the moonlight.

Stand up and open your arms up to the sky, turn the palms of your hand towards the moon (many of you may know this position from church, or even sportsevents, any type of worship or gratitude) and to round up, in your own way, round up and thank Miss Moon and your surroundings. At home, hang or place your favorite items in the moonlight to ‘charge ’them and through and in between this all…enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

You are special.
Namaste, Che

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