Tuesday, April 17, 2012

“Everything you have ever experienced has led you to this moment.”

Now that is exciting stuff isn't it? Isn't it comforting and relaxing to know that everything you have experienced up ‘til now, all the decisions you question yourself about, all the turns you took that you still wonder about, your qualities and the lacking of them, ALL have let you to this right now? Right now, you are reading this because you are ready to read this, because what I am writing right now synchronizes with you. What you read here, was meant for you:
Be proud of who you are. And forgive yourself for what you think you have done wrong. There are no mistakes. All the negative experiences you have had, once started out as positive intentions. If this is hard for you to accept, you can try the following:
Imagine roots growing from your feet in to the centre of the earth, where the magma draws out all you are done with, all you don’t need to carry around anymore, negativity and burden, and the earth will send you back the positive intention it once was. Start a cycle of letting go all negativity into the magma and absorbing back the positive through your feet.

To help yourself in new situations (for instance a negative environment at work) imagine yourself with a tail that goes right into earth, like a lightning rod. The negative energy of others will go through this lightning rod straight into the earth, without even entering your field. This will guard you.
Finally, think of a star. Beautiful rainbow colours and gold stardust. Imagine this gold dust, your star, entering your Crown chakra at the top of your head and filling you with this beautiful golden light. It pulses and lights your every cell. Just like little candles, every cell is lit by this light and you pulse as one great big star. Nothing can harm you. You radiate and pulse the purest love and all around you will be lit by your light. Everywhere you go, everywhere you are, people will be touched by this healing light and spaces will be lit. Imagine it coming out of your hands and feet. Your hand will be connected with the healing energy of your star. You will be pure love, divine love, forever connected with peace and harmony, the limitless source of divine love.
In the following blogs I will share with you more of my methods and findings on how to stay grounded and to guard myself from harmful or just exhausting influences (as I am sure you all recognize). Today I will leave you with a chant that can and will help you when sung or heard. The beat is a drum on every syllable, but by all means follow your heart. If you feel the impulse to make the sound of wind or to howl, hum, anything, just follow.
Keep the drum close to your face. It will carry your tone further, but also…who wouldn’t like to be close to you?

Che Guevaarlijk

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