Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Let Go, Sister Let Go

LadyEagle Soars

We can all Soar.. It is up to you, as to how high...
“Let Go , Sister Let Go “

The older I get the more amazed I am with the world around me. Always looking to move forward in my life, I have never spent much time wondering what the future holds for me. I just ventured ahead and enjoyed the ride. When I turned 40 I was so excited. I had been looking forward to that magic age all my life. I kept expecting something to happen, something to change. I got Nothing...

Then at 41 reality set in. What the hell is going on. I am Wife, Mother, Sister, Aunt & Friend. I saw myself taking care of so many others. Yet, it was just not enough. I felt unfulfilled. Then it hit me, something shifted and I suddenly realized I had lost something, Me. I had not even noticed ! Yet, all of a sudden I realized several things...

I am the shift I have been looking for.... Hello There ! ~
There are so many things I want to do.... Wow, what am I waiting on ? ~
There are many things I still want to know.... Where do I start ? ~

There was one thing I knew for sure, it was time for me to take care of me. What does this mean ? More questions.

Paradigm shifts are fascinating. It is the “ Language of the Universe ”. For me they usually occur in the middle of the night. I wake up and BING... The Universe has sent me another instant message. I suddenly have an understanding. This time the message was a short answer “Listen”. Get still and begin to listen. Just “Let Go”, but of what ?

I channeled all the women that have crossed my path, over my 40+ years. My ancestral goddess energy. I thought of the qualities I admired in them. Questioned what I admired about myself. Then I began to think about what really made me joyful . Another short answer came in a whisper. “ I Like me “. I mean I really enjoy being me. On my Face book page I describe myself as “ An imaginative, inquisitive, serious lover of knowledge. My Joy is to be stimulated by the wonderful power of the people around me.” This last line, was the long answer..

Well, this just opened up an entire new can of worms. It made me question some of the friend relationships I was currently in. The friendship part, that was hanging me up. Many of my girlfriends were taking and never giving. They were not uplifting & fulfilled within themselves. Self absorbed, if you will, but aren’t we all self absorbed. Quite frankly, I discovered I was alone within my friendships. Wow, so is this what I am to let go of ?

Letting go of things that are not uplifting in our lives is OK.. That's what I decided. I did let go of one friend and it snowballed into a few others leaving as well.. I was sad at first, but then positive people who were always there came forward. I developed a new respect for myself within my friendships.

Clean your house Sisters, don't be afraid to ask yourself “ What makes Me..Me ?”, Then Let Go.

LadyEagle is a wife, business owner,homeschool mom to four incredible beings and a & Personal “ Muse” Coach. Her passion is to help others while shouting “ You Can Do It “ .

copyright 2012 by Nina Delifus Jones

Nina Delifus Jones (TheMuse)

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