Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Letter From The Editor

A Letter From The Editor
Now that Halloween has come and gone, it’s time to prepare ourselves for the upcoming holiday season. With Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve cause let’s face it no one really celebrates New Year’s Day. But with all those holidays coming up it is time to focus on shopping and being with family and friends traveling to be with out of town family. Or preparing arrangements for loved ones to stay or be near you. Whatever the situation it is very important that you find some time to take care of you. Have your alone time where you can keep yourself relaxed and grounded, and to also make sure that you stay healthy by eating healthier foods and making better choices when it comes to those huge holiday feast.
Most of all, enjoy yourself stay focused on what makes you happy throughout this season and remember that although family can get you to do things you may not want to do or feel up to doing. But you feel obligated to do it anyway out of respect or commitment to the family, just know that you come first. Don’t overdo or over extend yourself out of obligation, because that won’t be true to yourself and being true to yourself is the only way you can help all involved.
Have a great season, Light and Love
Tiffany D
(Editor In Chief)

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