Saturday, May 5, 2012

Spiritual Gifts From Che

Spiritual Gifts From Che..

(Beautiful Full Moon)

We all have a special band with the moon. Miss Moon, as some call her. The Moon reflects the feminine and influences water. No wonder so many children are being born under a full moon (two of mine!) and women have their period every full moon. The word they use in Belgium for ‘having your period’ is ‘Maanstonden’, meaning nothing less than the” position of the moon.”

Today’s full moon is really special. A real reason for celebration. I myself and my best friend are attending a Wiccan feast in Belgium, our neighbor country (in Europe everything is small, so another country still is only an hour and a half away. And yes, I am ashamed to admit, we do complain about the long distance here….). This Wiccan feats is called Beltane and celebrates fertility, so If you have a beau, be sure to jump over a fire or broomstick with him and then…well let’s just say enjoy the full moon and go where nature takes you.
Before leaving you with the technical aspects of this moonstory I want to tell you how to absorb this wonderful Moon energy that so generously shines upon us. If you can, step into nature. This could even be a balcony, or the fresh herbs in your kitchen with the window open. If you’re lucky enough to have a yard or park nearby I suggest going over there. Take a blanket and if you can, light a fire.
Once you are installed, ask the moon for what you want, what you feel you need. Try to look with your heart (just literally imagine your eyes in that position) to see what you really need. Then open your third eye (imagine one between your eyebrows) and let in the moonlight by ….breathing in! Simple right? With each breath absorb the moonlight.

Stand up and open your arms up to the sky, turn the palms of your hand towards the moon (many of you may know this position from church, or even sportsevents, any type of worship or gratitude) and to round up, in your own way, round up and thank Miss Moon and your surroundings. At home, hang or place your favorite items in the moonlight to ‘charge ’them and through and in between this all…enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

You are special.
Namaste, Che

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

“Everything you have ever experienced has led you to this moment.”

Now that is exciting stuff isn't it? Isn't it comforting and relaxing to know that everything you have experienced up ‘til now, all the decisions you question yourself about, all the turns you took that you still wonder about, your qualities and the lacking of them, ALL have let you to this right now? Right now, you are reading this because you are ready to read this, because what I am writing right now synchronizes with you. What you read here, was meant for you:
Be proud of who you are. And forgive yourself for what you think you have done wrong. There are no mistakes. All the negative experiences you have had, once started out as positive intentions. If this is hard for you to accept, you can try the following:
Imagine roots growing from your feet in to the centre of the earth, where the magma draws out all you are done with, all you don’t need to carry around anymore, negativity and burden, and the earth will send you back the positive intention it once was. Start a cycle of letting go all negativity into the magma and absorbing back the positive through your feet.

To help yourself in new situations (for instance a negative environment at work) imagine yourself with a tail that goes right into earth, like a lightning rod. The negative energy of others will go through this lightning rod straight into the earth, without even entering your field. This will guard you.
Finally, think of a star. Beautiful rainbow colours and gold stardust. Imagine this gold dust, your star, entering your Crown chakra at the top of your head and filling you with this beautiful golden light. It pulses and lights your every cell. Just like little candles, every cell is lit by this light and you pulse as one great big star. Nothing can harm you. You radiate and pulse the purest love and all around you will be lit by your light. Everywhere you go, everywhere you are, people will be touched by this healing light and spaces will be lit. Imagine it coming out of your hands and feet. Your hand will be connected with the healing energy of your star. You will be pure love, divine love, forever connected with peace and harmony, the limitless source of divine love.
In the following blogs I will share with you more of my methods and findings on how to stay grounded and to guard myself from harmful or just exhausting influences (as I am sure you all recognize). Today I will leave you with a chant that can and will help you when sung or heard. The beat is a drum on every syllable, but by all means follow your heart. If you feel the impulse to make the sound of wind or to howl, hum, anything, just follow.
Keep the drum close to your face. It will carry your tone further, but also…who wouldn’t like to be close to you?

Che Guevaarlijk

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Cleanse And Detox

A Juice Cleanse Diet

By Tiffany D & Holistic Abode 

With summer right around the corner..spring is a great time to start training your body for a healthy start. A basic juice cleanse diet would include a base of both tonic, nutritive herbal tea mixed with fresh fruit and vegetable juice. At this point, you can add all the supplements and top superfoods powders you want and blend it up in a blender.
This may include:
  • medicinal mushroom powders
  • royal jelly
  • aloe vera
  • camu camu or any of the superfruit powders
  • shilajit
  • maca powder
  • powdered Ayurvedic herbs
  • kelp powder
  • goji powder
  • zeolite
  • bee pollen
  • vitamineral green
  • chlorella or any of the algae
Try a juice cleanse by consuming ONLY these superfood juice drinks for a number of days. For me, this has been a gentle way to introduce the cleansing process that does not involve "just juice."
It is important, however, to exclude nuts, seeds and fats from the diet at this time. You are getting tons of vitamins, minerals, tonics, and cleansers combined with sugars and small amounts of protein. This cleanse is easy to do for many days in a row, without any major detox reactions that can make it hard to maintain everyday life.
Another cleansing method is to simply incorporate these drinks into a raw food diet plan. This allows for fiber foods in addition to juices. Try cutting out all oils, fats and salts during this time, just eat fruits and veggies together with superfood juicing.
When you superfood juice in combination with a raw vegan diet for a week straight, you give your body a chance to alkalize and clean up old waste in the system. This helps all organs to maintain their proper functions.
I recommend this technique to many who are compromised with health issues and on medications that might make it challenging to do a pure juice fast.
It all depends on your individual situation. Basically, juice cleansing can happen in a few different ways. You can do a short one day juice fast or sign up for the 90 day juice feasting program that will guide and support you through the cleansing process.
But, for some, a superfoods juicing blend is a perfect compromise!
(It is important to always seek the advice of your medical doctor, especially if you have major health issues.)

Superfood Juice Cleansing Recipe:

Here is a basic recipe to give you an idea. You can adjust proportions and expand on different combinations from here.
Juice the following:
  • kale or 
  • carrot
  • apple
  • ginger
  • wild fennel/anise leaf
  • fenugreek sprouts
Blend the juice with the following superfoods.
One teaspoon or more of:
  • bee pollen
  • vitamineral green
This is a very tasty energy drink that I love to begin the day with. It is an interesting brown/green color, but if you can get beyond the looks it can be a great boost that cleans, nourishes and builds.

A nice spring energy juice cleanse is often a great way to begin clearing out any possible accumulation or excess that occurs in the colder months. In the winter we spend more time indoors and tend to move less and eat more.
Superfood juicing can be a fun and effective way to:

  • Loose excess weight
  • Increase energy levels
  • Improve complexion and skin conditions
The liver is often the organ that will let you know if you are in need of a cleanse. Acne, rashes, itchiness, or any kind of skin disorder are all signs that the liver is trying to detox. So why not help it along?
Blend the best of words and increase the amount of nutrition by adding top superfoods, medicinal mushrooms and seaweeds. So your taking in a super powered juice, yet also super supplementing the body to give you the bonus energy backup you may need.
Listen to your body:
  • Are you feeling tired and fatiqued?
  • Do you have any kind of skin ailment?
  • Do you feel physical fit, at your ideal body weight?
Maybe a juice cleanse is just the thing you need!

For more info or help check out The Holistic Abode Website at and at facebook at

A Thought To Live By

 LadyEagle Soars ~ 

Treat Your Children with Unconventional treats
Growing up as an only child, I often enjoyed the opportunity to eat along side other adults. I fondly remember enjoying my dinner on real china, instead of paper or plastic plates. I grew up understanding that children enjoy eating along side us, being respected as little people.
Recently, we bought a set of dainty Bone China cups from the thrift store. As soon as we got home, I put on a pot of water to boil, washed up the beautiful new cups and made tea for myself and my children. They were so very excited to be able to share a cup of tea and great conversation, with our newest treasure.
So again, I say to you, Treat your children, by sharing Beautiful things with them. These are the things they will cherish and remember most...

copyright 2012 by Nina Delifus Jones

Let Go, Sister Let Go

LadyEagle Soars

We can all Soar.. It is up to you, as to how high...
“Let Go , Sister Let Go “

The older I get the more amazed I am with the world around me. Always looking to move forward in my life, I have never spent much time wondering what the future holds for me. I just ventured ahead and enjoyed the ride. When I turned 40 I was so excited. I had been looking forward to that magic age all my life. I kept expecting something to happen, something to change. I got Nothing...

Then at 41 reality set in. What the hell is going on. I am Wife, Mother, Sister, Aunt & Friend. I saw myself taking care of so many others. Yet, it was just not enough. I felt unfulfilled. Then it hit me, something shifted and I suddenly realized I had lost something, Me. I had not even noticed ! Yet, all of a sudden I realized several things...

I am the shift I have been looking for.... Hello There ! ~
There are so many things I want to do.... Wow, what am I waiting on ? ~
There are many things I still want to know.... Where do I start ? ~

There was one thing I knew for sure, it was time for me to take care of me. What does this mean ? More questions.

Paradigm shifts are fascinating. It is the “ Language of the Universe ”. For me they usually occur in the middle of the night. I wake up and BING... The Universe has sent me another instant message. I suddenly have an understanding. This time the message was a short answer “Listen”. Get still and begin to listen. Just “Let Go”, but of what ?

I channeled all the women that have crossed my path, over my 40+ years. My ancestral goddess energy. I thought of the qualities I admired in them. Questioned what I admired about myself. Then I began to think about what really made me joyful . Another short answer came in a whisper. “ I Like me “. I mean I really enjoy being me. On my Face book page I describe myself as “ An imaginative, inquisitive, serious lover of knowledge. My Joy is to be stimulated by the wonderful power of the people around me.” This last line, was the long answer..

Well, this just opened up an entire new can of worms. It made me question some of the friend relationships I was currently in. The friendship part, that was hanging me up. Many of my girlfriends were taking and never giving. They were not uplifting & fulfilled within themselves. Self absorbed, if you will, but aren’t we all self absorbed. Quite frankly, I discovered I was alone within my friendships. Wow, so is this what I am to let go of ?

Letting go of things that are not uplifting in our lives is OK.. That's what I decided. I did let go of one friend and it snowballed into a few others leaving as well.. I was sad at first, but then positive people who were always there came forward. I developed a new respect for myself within my friendships.

Clean your house Sisters, don't be afraid to ask yourself “ What makes Me..Me ?”, Then Let Go.

LadyEagle is a wife, business owner,homeschool mom to four incredible beings and a & Personal “ Muse” Coach. Her passion is to help others while shouting “ You Can Do It “ .

copyright 2012 by Nina Delifus Jones

Nina Delifus Jones (TheMuse)