Thursday, October 13, 2011

Herman Cain: Is this the face of our next Black President?

"I don't have a lot of patience for people who want to blame racism on the fact that some people don't make it in America!"  
Herman Cain: Is this the face of our next Black President?
by Nikkia Moore
I was listening to this man, who is a potential presidential candidate for the Republican party, and I was somewhat offended by his comments. First he said that black people use racism as an excuse! Excuse for what? It is evident and present in the lives of people, that racism exist. In our school, in our communities, in the work force, in the public buildings you may enter....everywhere! He made several racist statements in reference to the mentality of black people. In his opinion, black people play the race card when it comes to their success or lack their of. Most Black people have been brain washed. Maybe in some instances, racism plays a part....Most instances! People of color are affected by racism everyday. The statement in itself is racist! In my opinion, the worst form of racism is when it is black vs black! How can he not believe that racism does play a factor in the lives of black people, while making such a racist remark. If that wasn't enough, he went on to say:
"If you put your mind to it and you don't play the victim card, you can do whatever you want to do in this country! I am walking proof of that."
This statement was given after he was criticized for the racist comments he made by Harry Bellefonte and Cornel West. Victim, this is not the role that Americans of any color desire to play. I am walking proof of that! However we are forced at times to be just that...victims of circumstance! Mr. Cain needs to take a step back and realize that however successful he is, kudos to his dedication and drive, but he has to attest that the road he traveled to get to his success. I'm sure he being a person of color endured some RACISM. I am certain that the road was bumpy, and racism I know played a very big part. Though I applaud his achievements, not every black person that struggles, lack effort nor is recognizing that racism exist, to have an easy way out when they fail. There is more to life than accepting the so called norm or giving in to the racism that exist. There are a lot of persons of color, Black people as he referred to, that live there lives as fulfilling as possible, and are not complicit with there current status or position in life. That is why we keep our heads held high,tighten up our laces, and keep on with our journey! Barak Obama to this day faces racism head on in his current position as President! And while Mr. Cain is a candidate, Obama is the President, and doesn't refer to the persons of color in this nation as actor/actresses who play the victim to the cruelty that is better known as...Racism! Fine tune yourself and edit your thought's Mr. Cain. You won't win the votes of the people with derogatory, offensive statements!

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