Monday, October 17, 2011

Starting Over


So I just relocated to North Carolina, about 3 weeks ago, and to be honest with you it is very challenging, because I went from a two bed room 2.5 bathrooms, to sharing on room with my two kids.

But I have to continue to tell myself "this is temporary" There are a lot of woman that continue to stay in marriages that that are MISRABLE in all because they are AFRAID to start over, but not me!!!!! (I mean yeah I get a little anxious of the unknown) but I didn't let that stop me from doing what's best for me, because at the end of the day there is only one you, and no one can make you happy! You must make that happen. I continue to pray daily that God guides me through all of this because this is no cake walk, but at the same time I am blessed because I am surrounded by family and I DID NOT HAVE THAT in VA. so me relocating was the wisest move I ever made, so if it means that I have to share a room with my kids until I get back on my feet it's worth it!!!! Because when it's all said and done, I will be HAPPY, STRESS FREE, AND HEALTHY.

I would like to encourage anybody who is at a cross roads and afraid to launch out on your own because you are not sure if you can make it without "HIM" I am here to tell you, YOU CAN!!! Don’t stay in an unhappy, stressful, marriage "just for the kids"
 *NEWS FLASH* when you are unhappy the kids feel that, remember happy parents raise happy kids.

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