Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Letter From The Editor

A Letter From The Editor
Now that Halloween has come and gone, it’s time to prepare ourselves for the upcoming holiday season. With Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve cause let’s face it no one really celebrates New Year’s Day. But with all those holidays coming up it is time to focus on shopping and being with family and friends traveling to be with out of town family. Or preparing arrangements for loved ones to stay or be near you. Whatever the situation it is very important that you find some time to take care of you. Have your alone time where you can keep yourself relaxed and grounded, and to also make sure that you stay healthy by eating healthier foods and making better choices when it comes to those huge holiday feast.
Most of all, enjoy yourself stay focused on what makes you happy throughout this season and remember that although family can get you to do things you may not want to do or feel up to doing. But you feel obligated to do it anyway out of respect or commitment to the family, just know that you come first. Don’t overdo or over extend yourself out of obligation, because that won’t be true to yourself and being true to yourself is the only way you can help all involved.
Have a great season, Light and Love
Tiffany D
(Editor In Chief)

Breast Cancer Awareness

This Post Is A Little Late But We Still Felt That It Needed To Be Posted.. Enjoy
Breast Cancer Awareness By Nikkia Moore

Definition of breast cancer: Cancer that forms in tissues of the breast, usually the ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple) and lobules (glands that make milk). It occurs in both men and women, although male breast cancer is rare.

It is estimated that 230,480 women will be diagnosed with and 39,520 women will die of cancer of the breast in 2011. The key to fighting breast cancer is early detection. The lady you see above is my mother, Lillie Orsby. She has survived breast cancer for 13 years. This present day, at the age of 64, she is the Director of Nursing at a Skilled Nursing facility in Chicago, IL. Early detection is what saved my mother's life. For her being a nurse, knowing that regular exams and well woman checkups are important, were helpful tools. Not all women are completely aware of the urgency and necessity in doing so. A lot of women are simply scared; don't want it to be them, so they negate these responsibilities. I myself used to feel hey, I'll just get a checkup if I feel sick! Well after learning my mother had breast cancer, of course, I became more concerned

Monday, October 17, 2011

Eerie Stories From A Planet Called: My Mother

By Nerak's Corner
"Girl let go of my dress! I have some work to do! I can't move with you constantly holding on!" My grandmother said to my mother as they were walking into the house.
As a little girl, mother was very bashful and shy. She would hide behind her mother's dress tail when strangers came around.
My mother grew up in the south during the 40's. She lived in a small home that had dirt floors. There was no electricity. They used lanterns and a fireplace for light. There were only two bedrooms. Her parents slept in one and she had to share the other room with her siblings. There were seven girls and three boys.
She use to tell me stories about a lot of eerie things that happened to her when she was little.

Trapped Underneath Her House

My mother had three baby chicks that she kept as pets. One day she was outside playing with them when one got away. It ran under the house. My mother crawled under the house after it. She grabbed the baby chick but panicked because she went too far. That day she discovered the meaning of claustrophobia. She couldn't move. She was trapped under the house by her fears.
She screamed but no one could hear her. All she could remember was seeing two legs and two black shoes come around the house. She heard a male voice saying, "You got stuck, eh?" And then she felt someone grabbing her legs and pulling her out. Once she got out, she looked around but did not see anyone there. Until this day, she does not know who or what had pulled her out.
...I believe that it was her guardian angel coming to her rescue.

The Dumb Supper

When my mother was growing up they had strange traditions. One of them was to cook for their dead relatives. They called this a "dumb supper."
Apparently, no one was suppose to speak while preparing or eating the meal. They would set a place at the table for their dead relatives in hopes that they would be able to communicate with them.
My mother said she remembered peeking around the corner as her mother and relatives prepared the meal. However, she did not remember having a supernatural encounter with any of her relatives during the dinner.
...I am sure glad that she didn't keep that tradition.

The Lady That Turned Into A Mole

Her mother's sister had passed away. As a result, my grandmother inherited her dishes. My mother did not like those dishes. She knew that her aunt loved them and was afraid that she would come back for them.
Later on that night while my mother was in bed, she saw a woman come into her room. She had long arms and wore a white veil on her face. The woman got into the bed next to her. My mom was so afraid that she didn't open her eyes for the rest of the night. When she finally woke up in the morning, a mole was in the bed next to her.
...I honestly think that was a true haunted possessions moment.

Starting Over


So I just relocated to North Carolina, about 3 weeks ago, and to be honest with you it is very challenging, because I went from a two bed room 2.5 bathrooms, to sharing on room with my two kids.

But I have to continue to tell myself "this is temporary" There are a lot of woman that continue to stay in marriages that that are MISRABLE in all because they are AFRAID to start over, but not me!!!!! (I mean yeah I get a little anxious of the unknown) but I didn't let that stop me from doing what's best for me, because at the end of the day there is only one you, and no one can make you happy! You must make that happen. I continue to pray daily that God guides me through all of this because this is no cake walk, but at the same time I am blessed because I am surrounded by family and I DID NOT HAVE THAT in VA. so me relocating was the wisest move I ever made, so if it means that I have to share a room with my kids until I get back on my feet it's worth it!!!! Because when it's all said and done, I will be HAPPY, STRESS FREE, AND HEALTHY.

I would like to encourage anybody who is at a cross roads and afraid to launch out on your own because you are not sure if you can make it without "HIM" I am here to tell you, YOU CAN!!! Don’t stay in an unhappy, stressful, marriage "just for the kids"
 *NEWS FLASH* when you are unhappy the kids feel that, remember happy parents raise happy kids.

Friday, October 14, 2011

I Had To Share This.. What Do You All Think About This?

By Tiffany Denton
The surgeon general of the United States, Regina Benjamin, created news last month by attending the Bronner Brothers International Hair Show in Atlanta to raise awareness on the alarmingly fast-growing rates of obesity in America. What made this appearance different is that she did it in the context of tying African-American women’s hairstyles and lack of exercise to a cause of obesity.
I was taken aback that our nation’s highest-ranking physician and an African-American woman allowed herself to create a whole new hair stereotype for African-American women. A quick search on Twitter and Facebook shows that many non-African-Americans heard the surgeon general’s comments and now believe that our hair is a cause for obesity.
If you ask most African-American women about their hair, they can talk for hours about the styles, techniques and products they use to maintain their hair. What they also may share with you if asked are the stories of non-African American friends and strangers asking such questions as “Can I touch your hair?” — and sometimes touching without permission — and how that made them feel.
As an African-American woman, I understand the daily questions and looks we get because mainstream society views our hair as exotic and/or strange. We all have to deal with the constant messages in the media that we don’t meet the mainstream definition of beauty. If you don’t think this is true, read the article published earlier this year by Satoshi Kanazawa in Psychology Today with the headline “Why Are Black Women Less Physically Attractive Than Other Women?” or recent stories about Transportation Security Administration personnel searching the hair of African-American women as they go through the airport screening process.
The current controversy over our hair is different though. This was not started by some outside-the-community publication. This was not started by a racist psychologist. This was started by an African-American woman who should have thought about how her words and actions would be received.
The surgeon general should have considered what the consequences of such a statement might be and how future generations of African-American girls and women would have to deal with this new stereotype.
I am concerned that this new hair stereotype will have damaging effects. How long before we see life and health insurance companies’ asking women of color about the way they do their hair and, based on the surgeon general’s remarks, deciding to increase premiums on African-American women? When will we hear the first story of an African-American woman who was not able to get a job because the potential employer decided her hair may increase the costs of employee benefits?
These are real concerns that should not have been created by what seems to be a bad attempt at a PR campaign.
This “hair” campaign has taken our focus off the real issues that are tied to obesity.
A recent study by Clair Wang of Columbia University suggests that by 2030, 50 percent of American men and 45 to 52 percent of American women will be obese. Not just African-American men and women but all Americans.
So are Americans’ hairstyles causing the rapid increase in obesity rates? I doubt it.
The reasons for the rise of obesity are complex, and there is not a single simple solution. Personal exercise routines are part of the solution, but that does not address issues such as access to quality food, toxic chemicals in consumer products, devastating funding cuts for physical education in our schools, families lacking economic resources, families lacking access to healthcare and many others issues.
I hope the surgeon general will revisit her position and take steps to try to undo this new stereotype she has created. We owe it to future generations to ensure that we deal with the issues that truly affect their health in ways that provide real solutions.
We cannot afford these efforts to get hijacked by bad PR campaigns that do little to improve the quality of health for all Americans.
Dr. Myiesha Taylor of Keller is a practicing emergency medicine physician and holds a bachelor of science degree in chemistry from Xavier University of Louisiana. She is married and the mother of three children

Should I Believe That All Married Military Men Are Cheaters???


This year has been so crazy, I just went through a separation in January, but that does not stop the fact that no matter how I feel or felt that men were going to approach me.

I can actually say that in this past year I have been approached by four different men, of different ages, and were raised in different states but they all had two things in common: They were all MARRIED, and in the MILITARY, and they actually felt like it was ok for them to ask me for my number, and invite me out on a date even though they have a family waiting for them at home. 

So now everytime I see a man in uniform I question their integrity, SHOULD I DO THAT????? probably not,but until I see different I will just go with what I have seen with my own eyes......


Double Standard


It's crazy how a man can cheat, and we as woman are suppose to put it in the past, brush it under the rug, and act as if it NEVER happened, but if we cheat the man acts as if you have hurt him to his soul 0_0 I don't know about you, but I think that is a bunch of bull!

It's just a mess, they find out that you cheated they will call their momma, sister, cousins, basically anybody who is willing to listen to them, and tell what you've done to make you look bad, but my question is did HE call his mamma when he was doing his dirt????? not paying bills, txting in the middle of the night, and so on???? come on, it's a cause and effect to everything, and no one is going to
to continue to be a doormat well not a woman that loves herself anyway!

    • The truth is there is a huge double standard, but it's 2011 and we aint havin it!!!!!! you get what you give!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Herman Cain: Is this the face of our next Black President?

"I don't have a lot of patience for people who want to blame racism on the fact that some people don't make it in America!"  
Herman Cain: Is this the face of our next Black President?
by Nikkia Moore
I was listening to this man, who is a potential presidential candidate for the Republican party, and I was somewhat offended by his comments. First he said that black people use racism as an excuse! Excuse for what? It is evident and present in the lives of people, that racism exist. In our school, in our communities, in the work force, in the public buildings you may enter....everywhere! He made several racist statements in reference to the mentality of black people. In his opinion, black people play the race card when it comes to their success or lack their of. Most Black people have been brain washed. Maybe in some instances, racism plays a part....Most instances! People of color are affected by racism everyday. The statement in itself is racist! In my opinion, the worst form of racism is when it is black vs black! How can he not believe that racism does play a factor in the lives of black people, while making such a racist remark. If that wasn't enough, he went on to say:
"If you put your mind to it and you don't play the victim card, you can do whatever you want to do in this country! I am walking proof of that."
This statement was given after he was criticized for the racist comments he made by Harry Bellefonte and Cornel West. Victim, this is not the role that Americans of any color desire to play. I am walking proof of that! However we are forced at times to be just that...victims of circumstance! Mr. Cain needs to take a step back and realize that however successful he is, kudos to his dedication and drive, but he has to attest that the road he traveled to get to his success. I'm sure he being a person of color endured some RACISM. I am certain that the road was bumpy, and racism I know played a very big part. Though I applaud his achievements, not every black person that struggles, lack effort nor is recognizing that racism exist, to have an easy way out when they fail. There is more to life than accepting the so called norm or giving in to the racism that exist. There are a lot of persons of color, Black people as he referred to, that live there lives as fulfilling as possible, and are not complicit with there current status or position in life. That is why we keep our heads held high,tighten up our laces, and keep on with our journey! Barak Obama to this day faces racism head on in his current position as President! And while Mr. Cain is a candidate, Obama is the President, and doesn't refer to the persons of color in this nation as actor/actresses who play the victim to the cruelty that is better known as...Racism! Fine tune yourself and edit your thought's Mr. Cain. You won't win the votes of the people with derogatory, offensive statements!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Whats Going On Around My Town

By Tiffany Denton

Oh my goodness, I am so happy to announce that STOMP will be here for one show only on Oct 26th 2001 at 6;30 P.M. At the historic Waukegan Genessee Theater If you have yet to see these very talented people then you must try and check them out. See when there are going to be in you area.

Of course Halloween is approaching and with it being one of my personal favorite holidays.. I must share with you the Haunted House of choice in my area. That would be the Dungeon Of Doom www.dungeonofdoom.com its over forty minutes of terror and it takes place in and old abandon factory. The location alone is perfect because its near a old power plant. The address is  2701 Deborah Ave. Zion, IL 
Naval Station Great Lakes Tenth Anniversary Celebration

Friday October 14, 2011
Times: Friday: 11:00am-12:00pm
On Oct. 1, 2001, Naval Station Great Lakes was established to remove the day-to-day base operations management responsibility from Naval Training Center Great Lakes and allow the commander and the flag staff to provide greater emphasis on their training mission and significantly improve efficiency of the training process. Naval Training Center Great Lakes did not last much longer. It was disestablished two years after the establishment of Naval Station and was replaced by two separate flag commands, Naval Service Training Command and Navy Region Midwest. Capt. Randy Lynch, NSGL commanding officer, Cmdr. Robert Sullivan, NSGL executive officer, and NSGL Command Master Chief Leon Walker will celebrate the first ten years at the Great Lakes Naval Museum.Naval Station Great Lakes, the largest military installation in Illinois and the largest training station in the Navy, hosts the Navy's only Recruit Training Command. Each year approximately 38,000 men and women complete the requirements to become enlisted sailors at the Navy's only boot camp. Naval Station Great Lakes is also home to the Navy's technical training schools for surface warfare excellence at Training Support Center Great Lakes. Yearly, more than 14,000 students attend these initial and advanced training schools where they learn the basic skills of their Navy jobs.
Anyone who lives in this area knows all about the Navy and The Navy base. I remember when I was much younger how I use to love going to the base and seeing all the sexy men in their uniforms... anyway, back to more attractions and places I love around town.

 If you are looking for candles or jewelry HorseFeathers has a pretty good selection of treasures. From tarot cards to kick ass handbags. From incense to vintage and bohemian clothes they have  it all.

There is nothing like this place with its very old yet comfortable feel. That has had celebs such as Lisa Bonet, Madonna, and Bono to name a few to have shopped there makes this great store a unique place to visit. Located at 129 N Genessee St Waukegan Il 60085 
Until next time Light and Love

Dungeon Of Doom Haunted House 2010 Commercial, Zion IL

The 2011 Hip Hop Awards

By Tiffany Denton
I you haven't had the chance to see the BET 2011 Hip Hop Awards, let me tell you it wasn't very good this year. This is my own personal opinion of course but there were a few highlights that I must admit were a delight.
One of the first of the night's excitement for me was watching T.I perform, it has been quite a while since he rocked a stage. And leave it to BET to always bring our hip-hop artist who have been..lets just say on vacation back to the spotlight with class and respect.

Another great moment was seeing my man Busta win the first award for Best Featured Verse in a song. He is so very sexy." Look at me now" won a few times through the night for different things. Congrats Chris!

Okay, moving on to another treat of the night was defiantly seeing the appearance by DMX and Swizz Beatz! I was so happy to see DMX back on stage, and he appeared excited to be there as well.

Also seeing  Da Brat back and looking good was a pleasure, we hope to see big things coming from her real soon.
So with some more wins for Chris Brown and a little more funny jokes from Mike Epps there was really not much more to the show in my opinon. Aside from the finale with Tyrese  and Heavy D and Seeing My Girl Tracee Ellis Ross and  LL Cool J. It was not as good as I expected, but maybe I expected to much. Never the less it was still hip-hop and we love and support it to the fullest!
 Until next Time Light and Love!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Old Fashioned or Fashion Sensible?

Old Fashioned or Fashion Sensible?
By, Nikkia Moore 

Are we really paying attention to the fashion geared towards our little girls?
The fashion business is a growing business that affects millions of people. Okay, let's just say it affects all of us in some form or FASHION!! Therefore we all have some fashion sense. The problem is these manufactorers are not being fashion sensible! The old saying what's good for the goose, is not always good for the gander. We are losing our freedom of choice when it comes to fashion. We are constantly being forced to conform to the products that are being solicited to are young girls. Sensible clothing for our little and teenage daughters are fading. Most of the clothing are becoming more and more provocative, revealing, to short, or to tight! I should not be able to purchase an outfit suitable for an adult, and then go into the Jr Miss department and get my daughter the same outfit in a different color, okay! There has to be more boundaries set, so we are not promoting  adulthood to early for our young girls. Even the underwear is grown and provocative! And why is every bra I purchase padded? As if the over developement of some of today's youth is not enough. And what is it with the bikini briefs & thongs for the teenagers? Just a little to grown for my taste. I would much rather see my daughter in bloomers until 18 at least! But hey that's just my opinion! Maybe that's just me being old fashioned or fashion sensible!!

Tiff's YouTube Spot Light One Of My Faves (Lisa Lavie)

Tiff's YouTube Spot Light (Lisa Lavie)

Tiff's YouTube Spot Light Erin Paula

Tiff's YouTube Spot Light My Girl Erin Paula

Tiff's YouTube Spot Light ZEWDY

Tiff's YouTube Spot Light

Fashion Hook Up

By, Tiffany Denton

Okay, if you are a plus size woman like myself and many of my friends, you know that finding sexy inexpensive clothes are hard to come by. So through the years i've done some searching and have ran into a few places that I love and I will be sharing here with you from time to time.
This place has some cute little outfits but I really love the accessories.
I am personally a huge hat lover and sunglasses..there are almost fetishes..


I Use To Be A Tomboy

Nerak's Corner

I Use To Be A Tomboy By, Nerak

I preferred race cars over dolls.
And loved to hang with the boys just to hit baseballs.
I rode a dirt bike and did stunts.
I didn't care to play dress up or to wear my mother's pumps.
No dress for me, only jeans.
My mother couldn't change my mind by any means.
No lipgloss, no painted fingernails.
Just a baseball cap and tightly braided pigtails.
I was a tomboy that played rough.
Riding bikes with boys made me look really tough.
As I grew older, my body started to change.
And the boys started to look at me and act real strange.
Then the tomboy erupted and changed into a girl.
And all of the sweetness inside started to unfurl.
It was a hard adjustment but I made it through.
Learning the etiquette of being a young lady was hard to do.
I still let the tomboy sneak out from time to time.
But I reaped the benefits of evolving into a young lady just fine.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Alopecia And Hair Loss

By, Tiffany Denton
Alopecia, which means hair loss, is of epidemic proportion for many women of color. Although there have been magazine articles and television segments about alopecia, it continues to be poorly understood by many women. There are many different causes of alopecia that affect women with brown skin. However, there are two types of hair loss that women with curly or tightly coiled hair are plagued with: central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia.

Alopecia is a devastating condition for all women, despite the cause. All women want to have their own healthy hair. Hair loss effects self-esteem, social interactions and relationships. 
Being a woman of color and having very long thick hair as a child and very much through my 20's I always thought I would have my hair. But going through life and its tremondos ups and down took a toll on my body and hair. I have alopecia and was very upset when I found out I could lose all or majority of my hair. But being a woman of all things natural I decided to look for alternatives. And have found wonderful products that saved my hair. Please check out the link to the website and the picture of the product.

and the products I use are here below
Alopecia is a condition is thought to be an autoimmune disorder in
which the body attacks its own hair follicles and stops hair growth.

There is evidence that T cell lymphocytes cluster around these 
follicles, causing inflammation and subsequent hair loss.

An unknown environmental trigger such as emotional stress or a
pathogen is thought to combine with hereditary factors to cause the

A study reported in the journal Archives of Dermatology (vol. 134,
1998;1349-52) showed effectiveness of aromatherapy essential oils
(cedarwood, thyme, and rosemary oils) in some patients.

A Letter From The Editor

I've been thinking a lot about friendship and sisterhood. That intuitive bond that women share when they are very close and have known each other for years. The sistahs you can stay on the phone with for hours talking about nothing and have the possible  best time of your life. The friend who knows when you are upset or scared without you having to say a word. The girlfriend who has your back and is ready to kick some ass for you even though she might not know the whole story. Your spare tire friend who you can call at 3 a.m. to come and pick you up because you have a flat tire. That's friendship, that's sisterhood, that's love.

This is what Wicked Sister Magazine will try and bring to you, along with what you the Eclectic Woman would like to talk about. And maybe you don't consider yourself eclectic, that's fine also.  But  know that this blog is a place for every woman and we hope to bring you the latest in our topics on holistic and natural health, fashion, music, entertainment, and everything else that comes along with being eclectic. This is a magazine that is starting as a blog but soon will expand into print. And in doing so can reach more readers. We hope you enjoy this blog and please if there is a topic that you would like us to consider or if you would like to join our staff please email us at wickedsistermag@gmail.com we would love to hear from you.. Until next time Love and Light,
Tiffany Denton 
(Editor In Chief/CEO)